
Are You Ready To Date Someone With A Kid? Ask Yourself These Questions First!

Are you thinking about dating someone who has a child or are you the one with a child? Either way you need to ask yourself some serious questions before jumping into anything serious with this other person!

If your the one who has a child, you have to stop and ask yourself, “Am I actually ready for someone else to be in my child’s life, and better yet is my child?” 

-If you got an uneasy feeling in your tummy you could just be really nervous or you may truly not be ready and you need to know THAT’S OKAY! YOU SHOULD BE UNDER NO PRESSURE TO DATE!! It does not make you lame or any other odd ball name people may call you! It makes you careful which to a certain degree is a wonderful thing ESP since your a parent now.

If your the one with a child you must also consider who this new person really is and what skeletons they may or may not be hiding…

-trust me he(or she) may LOOK like prince charming but start dating him and sometimes you will see thirty different sides of crazy you never knew even exsisted (lol) bottom line do your homework -really with anyone you date but especially if you have a kid, the drama he or she may bring along may not be worth it.

NOW..if your not the one with a kid start by asking yourself, at the very first thought of dating this single parent, “am I ready to be a step parent?” 

If your answer is No, WALK AWAY NOW.

If your answer is, “Dang it’s just a date not marriage” -walk away now. Why?  Because dating a single parent is NOT like “normal” dating.

  • She/he will have to cancel on you alot  (canceled babysitter, sick baby, emergency, ect)
  • She/he won’t be able to even accept your invitation out without checking first with their sitter
  • If the persons child is young he/she most likely won’t want to stay out to late or go get crazy at a bar/club  because while everyone else would go home and daydream about the date, she/he would be going home to takin care of their kid.
  • She/he will probably be short tempered, moody, and/or tired alot

The kid WILL come first EVERYTIME. 

And those are just a FEW reasons why you MUST be READY and MATURE enough to date someone with a kid. It may just be “some random first date” to you, but to that parent it’s a decision to let someone new into their child’s life. Someone who does not HAVE to be in their lives at all. And that’s a HUGE decision for any parent.

Do you have any specific questions you have to ask before dating someone with a child? If your the parent, what questions do you ask yourself?



7 thoughts on “Are You Ready To Date Someone With A Kid? Ask Yourself These Questions First!”

  1. I just checked your blog I’m a newbie too and this caught my attention because currently I’m dating a single parent but his kid lives with his parents. He’s still building himself. I love kids and accepted him n her but the thought of being a STEP PARENT.. that word haunts me. Come to think of it I don’t think I’m ready after reading this yikes! Great piece!


    1. Thank you for reading my post! But I felt the same way about the step mom thing and from time to time I still do, but it’s an incredible feeling if you do make it through! Best of luck! Thanks again 🙂


  2. I always cringed at the idea of dating someone… for one the baby momma drama…esp. if the ex is a psycho… I mean some of these women use the kids to cause strife in the man’s relationship and the thing that’s depressing is that more often than not he doesn’t see it let alone handle it… oh boy, ive seen some things and I just always distanced myself from it altogether… not interested…

    Liked by 1 person

      1. hahahha…lol… of course you have to stand your ground let her know who’s boss… hate when they use the kid to cause trouble… “um jr. can’t go to bed unless you sleep over” o.0… lol…


      2. Omg I know! When we first got together and she was still getting my bonus son A LITTLE she had the nerve to ask if she could shower over at my husband’s house when she picked him up (she wasn’t even allowed to come to his house for pick ups) he’s like um no you idiot my mom is the one meeting you to drop him off you ain’t even coming here. She was just trying to get drama stirred up I was sitting right there with him when she sent it so I just laughed at how shallow she is like come on now.

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